


Центр сертификации EAC Таможенного союза ?ООО ТЕСТ СЕРТ 

上海经合工业设备检测有限公司    俄语区域产品认证专家

021-36411223      eac@cu-tr.org   WeChat:18621862553
TR CU Certification and TRCU Declaration schemes-technical regulations of the Customs Union
来源: | 作者:pmt1ac5e9 | 发布时间 :2019-09-05 | 1286 次浏览: | 分享到:
Conformity acknowledgement within the frames of the Customs Union is conducted in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union (hereinafter — TR CU).Products that come under the requirements of TR CU are subject to obligatory conformity acknowledgement. Lists of products that come under the requirements of TR CU are given in the Attachments to TR CU.

Certification and declaration schemes

Used for conducting works on conformity acknowledgement of products in accordance  with the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union

Conformity acknowledgement within the frames of the Customs Union is conducted in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union (hereinafter — TR CU).
Products that come under the requirements of TR CU are subject to obligatory conformity acknowledgement.
Lists of products that come under the requirements of TR CU  are given in the Attachments to TR CU.
Conformity acknowledgement is executed in the form of certification and declaration of conformity.
Based on the results of certification — certificate of conformity is issued certified by conformity acknowledgement organ, based on the results of declaration – declaration of conformity certified by applicant and registered by conformity acknowledgement organ.

Forms (certification and declaration) and schemes of conformity acknowledgement of products are determined by appropriate Technical Regulations of the CU.
Generally the following schemes of certification and declaration are used:

 Declaration schemes


Basis of declaration


1) For the shipment of products

Based on the results of in-house tests of the shipment


Applicant - manufacturer, seller (supplier) of the country – member of   the CU or a person on the territory of CU authorized by foreign manufacturer

Based on the results of tests of the shipment by accredited laboratory

2) For serial production:

Based on the results of in-house rests of the samples of   products and documents confirming production   control

Applicant - manufacturer of the country – member of the CU or a person on the   territory of CU authorized by foreign manufacturer

Based on the results of tests of the samples of products by accredited   laboratory and documents confirming production control

Based on the results of examination (tests) of the types of products and   documents confirming production   control 

Based on the results of tests of the samples of products by accredited   laboratory, QM certificate and documents confirming production control


Certification schemes:


Basis of certification


1)  For the shipment of products


For the shipment of products based on the tests of the samples of products

Applicantseller (supplier), manufacturer on condition of availability of authorized person on the territory of the CU


For single product based on the tests of this   products


Based on the analysis of the documents

(recommended for a limited shipment of products supplied by foreign manufacturer

or for complex products intended for equipping the facilities on   the territory of the CU)

Applicant —  manufacturer on condition of availability of   authorized person on the territory of the CU

2)  For serial production

Based on the samples tests and analysis of production



Based on the samples tests and quality system   certificate

Based of  the results of project   investigation and  analysis of   production

Schemes are used for serial production in case it is difficult or impossible to confirm conformity to the requirements during the tests of finished product


Based of  the results of project   investigation and quality system certificate

(Project investigation- analysis of technical   documentation used for production, results of calculations, tests of the   samples of products)

Based on the results of examination (tests) of the types of products   and  analysis of production.


For complex products intended for serial or mass production and   also in case of planned production of numerous modifications of   products


Based on the results of examination (tests) of the types of products and   quality system certificate .

(Examination of type includes:

- examination of the sample of product as   standard specimen of products;

- analysis of technical documentation,  test of sample or critical components of products)


Applicant for serial certification may be legal entity or a   physical person registered in the Customs Union as a legal entity or as   individual entrepreneur, or manufacturer, or with the   functions of foreign manufacturer based on the agreement about the conformity of supplied products and about   responsibility for non conformity with the requirements of Technical  Regulation.

Applicant for shipment of products certification may be legal entity or a   physical person registered in the Customs Union  as a legal entity or as individual   entrepreneur, or manufacturer, or seller or with the functions of foreign manufacturer based on   the agreement about the   conformity of supplied products and about responsibility for non conformity   with the requirements of Technical Regulation.

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