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白俄罗斯无线TR BY认证-白俄罗斯电信BY认证-TR 2018/024/BY
来源: | 作者:pmt1ac5e9 | 发布时间 :2018-11-13 | 1600 次浏览: | 分享到:

白俄罗斯国家无线电/电信技术法规TR 2018/024 / BY已获批准

Belarus National Radio/Telecom Technical Regulation TR 2018/024/BY has been approved

白俄罗斯国家无线电/电信技术法规TR 2018/024 / BY(英文文本;俄文文本)2019620日的第469号。技术法规TR 2018/024 / BY201911日开始强制执行

在第849/2016号决议中(产品清单第10 -849/2016号决议的附件。

根据协议发布的无线电/电信批准 849/2016决议有效期至法规的失效日期止。

产品需经过认证。 使用TR / 2018/024 / BY标志。


Belarus National Radio/Telecom Technical Regulation TR 2018/024/BY has been approved

Belarus National Radio/Telecom Technical Regulation TR 2018/024/BY ( text in Englishtext in Russian ) has been approved with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of Belarus No.: 469 dated 20 June 2018. The Technical Regulation TR 2018/024/BY becomes mandatory from 01.01.2019   and will replace the current mandatory requirements set forth in the Resolution 849/2016 (clause 10 of the List of Products  - which is Annex to the Resolution 849/2016 ).

The Radio/Telecom approvals issued in acc. with 849/2016 Resolution are valid until their expiry date.

Products to be approved in acc. with the TR/2018/024/BY need to be marked with TR BY mark.







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