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上海经合工业设备检测有限公司    俄语区域产品认证专家

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GOST认证-俄罗斯自愿性GOST认证-Russian GOST voluntary certification
来源: | 作者:pmt1ac5e9 | 发布时间 :2018-10-10 | 1546 次浏览: | 分享到:

At this time, conformity assessment by the will of the participants helps consumers to identify such problems: how to choose “normal” out of a hundred sausages, how to choose “edible” sausages from twenty kinds? And here as the resolution of issues appears in the good sense of the word “GOST” stamp. It was like a phenomenon from the "golden" Soviet times, when everything was measured by the GOST, the presence of such a certificate of conformity is like a reliable seal, a certificate beyond all doubt.

With regard to obtaining voluntary certification for services - currently in Russia services are not considered objects of mandatory certification. Nevertheless, the number of successfully leading, advanced large companies, business representatives interested in participating in voluntary certification programs is constantly growing. To the question why such an interest in voluntary certification? - one can definitely answer: to ensure complete consumer confidence, increase the demand for services, work and not only.

For many modern companies, the incentive to voluntarily confirm the quality of goods is participation in commercial tenders and competitions. As a rule, in terms of events, the requirements are established for confirming the quality of the presented objects with the relevant documentation.

In the current economic conditions, this procedure forces managers at various levels of business units to focus on sanitary, epidemiological, environmental, fire conditions, production safety, staff qualification, equipping with appropriate modern equipment and accordingly ensuring the level of quality of services provided.

Take at least such an example - with the development and improvement of network resources, the number of online stores is increasing. But how to recognize the level of security, the quality of such







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www.cu-tr.com   ankang.pneumoniaillegal.cn  www.gost.org.cn  


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