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GOST认证-俄罗斯自愿性GOST认证-Russian GOST voluntary certification
来源: | 作者:pmt1ac5e9 | 发布时间 :2018-10-10 | 1547 次浏览: | 分享到:

Officially established by the state system - voluntary certification is provided for the category of products, services, goods or equipment that are not included in the statutory single list of objects subject to certification procedure in a mandatory manner.

It is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law regarding the certification of products and services solely on their own initiative, the will of the participants in the certification process. They can be manufacturers, manufacturers, performers, sellers and other applicants.

The essence of voluntary certification as a whole is that the products must meet the stated parameters, standards or technical standards. According to the results of the procedure, an authorization document is issued - a certificate confirming full compliance with the established requirements according to the certification system.

In some way, for participants in foreign economic activity, voluntary certification is of national importance and serves as a new and proven marketing tool. For example, if you manage to prove with the help of voluntary certification outstanding benefits, the advantages of the highest quality of the products manufactured by your company or the services provided, then there will be an excellent chance to win competition in the market.

Of course, the certificate for the object emphasizes the openness of the producer, full confidence in the quality of the product, the readiness of any kind of checks for compliance with statutory standards.

Thus, the voluntary compliance assessment procedure has a high priority as a market instrument in which both producers of goods, services and consumers are interested.

What are the features of voluntary confirmation of compliance

The process of voluntary certification, the applied schemes are similar to certification without fail. It assumes an identical procedure, requirements for a package of documents, a rigid framework for conducting research, analysis, testing, and issuing expert assessments. However, the law gives the applicant the right to choose, at his discretion, the parameters according to which compliance with state regulations will be checked.

According to the system, the parameters for which the product sample is checked is full compliance with the Technical Specifications or GOST. That is, with the help of laboratory tests and a voluntary certificate, not only the quality is confirmed, but also compliance with the mandatory conditions prescribed in regulatory documents.

Practically at performance of technical conditions it appears more favorable from the point of view of the price and waste of time. However, voluntary certification according to GOST is a public relations tool of the highest level, especially with a competent presentation of the product. Traditionally, our compatriots had an opinion about the advantages of GOST certification and, accordingly, full confidence. In view of the development of a market economy, the sea of consumer goods, cheap foreign products or such innovations as soy stuff, literally flooded the stalls, which caused widespread mistrust, suspicious doubts about the quality of domestic and foreign goods from buyers.

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