Центр сертификации EAC Таможенного союза ?ООО ТЕСТ СЕРТ
上海经合工业设备检测有限公司 俄语区域产品认证专家
Certification of children's furniture
From July 1 of the next (2014) year, within the framework of Decision No. 32 (15.06.2012) of the EAEU Council, the newly developed Technical Regulation (registration number 025/2012) enters into legal force, including requirements, safety standards for furniture products throughout the entire scope of the Customs union. With the extension of the action of the newly adopted, approved TR CU in accordance with clause 2.6. children's furniture will be assigned to the system for compliance with the Technical Regulations.
Certification of children's furniture
The document lists the types of furniture for children that fall under the rules of the TR with the indication of the commodity nomenclature - codes of foreign economic activity. Among them are beds, chairs, tables, playpens, chairs, boxes for toys. As well as cabinets, cabinets, stools, sofa beds, other products that need to be issued the appropriate permits - a certificate for children's furniture for legal circulation in the global market.
Prior to the designated period of mandatory certification of children's furniture under the CU TR, this category of products, goods must be declared for compliance with GOST R standards.
Certification of children's furniture
Basic parameters of modern certification of children's furniture
Children's furniture is a special category of products, recognized to provide the necessary comfortable conditions for the normal development of children. Accordingly, the health of any child directly depends on the quality of manufactured products and the objectivity of assessing the certification of children's furniture. Therefore, the state mechanism for regulating life safety provides for the certification of children's furniture, which today is carried out by adopting a declaration of conformity.
All products intended for use by children are subject to state certification control, according to the GOST R system of certification of children's furniture. A document confirming the quality is issued a declaration of conformity on children's furniture. In its absence, the sale, production, use of such goods is prohibited.
As practice has shown, not always existing standards guarantee high quality, since a certificate for furniture is issued according to fairly simple rules. Therefore, experts of the Customs Union developed a new technical regulation, with more stringent criteria.
Obtain the necessary certificates for furniture will be possible only after passing the products of sanitary and hygienic, mechanical, chemical and other examinations. Only with the positive results of absolutely all research activities, the certification of children's furniture can be considered valid.
At the moment with the issuance of certificates for furniture things are much easier. But products also pass tests, for example in personal laboratories of the centers. During the examinations it is established whether the samples really comply with the requirements of state standards, to what extent an expert opinion can serve as a basis for issuing a furniture certificate to the applicant.