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俄罗斯欧五认证-俄罗斯车辆发动机欧4或欧五证书,Russia Certificate Euro 4 and Euro 5
来源: | 作者:pmt1ac5e9 | 发布时间 :2018-10-10 | 1042 次浏览: | 分享到:

The number of vehicles in our country is constantly growing. Meanwhile, the level of pollution of cities is increasing. After all, it is no secret that from the release of exhaust gases of automobiles, an unmeasured amount of toxic substances enters the atmosphere. And finally, the authorities thought. The environmental safety class, which was adopted by Europe, has now become relevant in Russia. Not so long ago, the system of certification of absolutely all vehicles for compliance with international environmental standards began to find its practical application - the so-called Euro 4 and Euro 5 certificate, about which there is so much talk.

What is a certificate of euro 4 and euro 5? First of all, it is a permit document for a car, another vehicle that regulates the level, the content of the emission of substances that are harmful to humanity during operation. Regarding all vehicles imported into the territory of the Russian Federation, the legislator establishes that European standards are to be obtained without fail.

More precisely, today, the generally accepted standard is obligatory, compliance of Euro 4 for cars. From the beginning of the next year, it is planned to introduce - certification for compliance with the international in the field of environmental safety standard - Euro 5. At that time when already about five years ago about 30 European countries had already accepted it. The fact that the owner of the certificate has 4.5 clearly proves that the car fully complies with the established Russian, international standards of the Technical Regulations.

The essence of the changes in the traditional rules is that the customs services have ceased to issue a passport to the vehicle if the car does not correspond to the newest European class. According to the standards of technical and legal regulation applied by the certification system, the Euro 4 and Euro 5 certificate significantly limits the content of:
- nitrogen oxides;
- carbon dioxide;
- dispersed particles, soot;
- ethane, methane, propane and so on.

In some situations, the vehicle is subject to special conversion. Further, as a single product - the passage of the certification procedure. Otherwise, if the reconfiguration of the entire fuel system of the car will not be carried out - participation in road traffic is prohibited.

Global changes were felt not only by car owners, when legal regulations put the question “edge”, but also by manufacturers. It is obvious that, due to the introduction of the European system, the modernization of absolutely the whole process of automobile production is coming. Everyone knows, for example, that when the previous Euro 3 standard was put into effect, the manufacturer of the Oka model was forced to abandon its release completely.

Our country is lagging behind the advanced European countries in the matter of certification of road transport. In order to avoid huge financial losses for the reform, globalization of the automotive industry, and for compliance with Euro certification - 4 and Euro 5, some of the large companies even provide a delay.

One way or another, the certificate of Euro-4, Euro-5 will have to be received on uniquely every car to be used. Undoubtedly, these legal norms contribute to the settlement of many environmental issues. The number of children with congenital anomalies increases every year in Russia. Employees of medical institutions in the literal sense of the word clutching their heads - how are absolutely healthy, prosperous parents born children with multiple pathologies? Shelves with medical records of children's disabilities are regularly replenished. Probably the reason for this lies in the unfavorable environmental situation ...

If the necessity of acquiring a Euro-4, 5 certificate does not raise questions, then we will try to figure out how, how to get the necessary document quickly without bureaucratic obstacles.

If you import a car for personal use from abroad, you may receive a certificate directly at customs. The process of such design is as follows. Customs authorities in the database find the car. Determine which class it belongs to, write out the document.

If you must be: PTS, passport holder, TIN, OGRN, contract, invoice, certificate of registration jur. persons statistics codes. Of course, for an individual part of the above is not needed. With any status of the owner of the car, customs will necessarily request:
- permission to determine the level of CO CH (sealed);
- Help on the content of harmful substances;
- about car refit.

In addition, there are already quite a few that are endowed with special powers for conducting certification activities of companies, issuing certificates of Euro-4, 5 and not only. The certification center at the professional level will conduct all the necessary expertise. Taking into account the legal, technical aspects, with a guarantee of the highest quality, he will assist in quickly obtaining the necessary permits. For this you need to prepare:
- statement;
- registration certificate







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