Центр сертификации EAC Таможенного союза ?ООО ТЕСТ СЕРТ
上海经合工业设备检测有限公司 俄语区域产品认证专家
Belarus is accredited for conformity assurance according to Eurasian Economic Union:
List of documents to be enclosed with the application for certification.
CU TR 004/2011, Safety of Low-voltage Equipment (certification, declaration)
List of documents to be enclosed with the application for certification
Certification scheme | List of interrelated standards | List of TN VED codes
CU TR 008/2011, Safety of Toys (certification)
List of documents to be enclosed with the application for certification
Certification scheme | List of interrelated standards | List of TN VED codes
CU TR 010/2011, Safety of Machines and Equipment (certification, declaration)
List of documents to be enclosed with the application for certification
Certification scheme | List of interrelated standards | - - -
CU TR 016/2011, Safety of Gas-fired Apparatuses (certification, declaration)
List of documents to be enclosed with the application for certification
Certification scheme | List of interrelated standards | List of TN VED codes
CU TR 020/2011, Electromagnetic Compatibility of Technical Means (certification, declaration)
List of documents to be enclosed with the application for certification
Certification scheme | List of interrelated standards | List of TN VED codes
CU TR 032/2013, On the safety equipment of high pressure (certification, declaration)
List of documents to be enclosed with the application for certification
Certification scheme | List of interrelated standards | List of TN VED codes
EAEU TR 037/2016 RoHS (certification, declaration)
List of documents to be enclosed with the application for certification
Certification scheme | List of interrelated standards | List of TN VED codes
more details here.
Reference Information
CU Single Mark (EAC).
Image of a single sign of products on the market states - members of the Customs Union.
Unified Register of issued certificates of conformity and registered declarations of conformity of the Customs Union.
List of products subject to mandatory conformity approval in EAEU with issuance of common documents.
A certification body provides access to, and disclosure of, appropriate and timely information about its evaluation and certification processes, as well as about the certification status of any product (i.e. granting, maintaining, extending or reducing the scope of, suspending, withdrawing or refusing certification), in order to gain confidence in the integrity and credibility of certification. Openness is a principle of access to, or disclosure of, appropriate information.
Any information held by the certification body on a product that is the subject of an evaluation and/or certification accessible, upon request, to the person or organization that contracted the certification body to undertake the certification activity.
俄罗斯EAC认证中心 上海经合工业设备检测有限公司 电话:021-36411293 地址:中国上海浦东新区高科东路777号1号楼2017 邮箱: eac@cu-tr.org gost-r@163.com skype: gostchina 手机和微信WeChat:18621862553 www.cu-tr.com ankang.pneumoniaillegal.cn www.gost.org.cn
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