


Центр сертификации EAC Таможенного союза ?ООО ТЕСТ СЕРТ 

上海经合工业设备检测有限公司    俄语区域产品认证专家

021-36411223      eac@cu-tr.org   WeChat:18621862553
白俄罗斯EAC认证,白俄罗斯认证机构,Customs Union Common ?Technical Regulation in Belarus
来源: | 作者:pmt1ac5e9 | 发布时间 :2019-08-30 | 851 次浏览: | 分享到:
白俄罗斯EAC认证,白俄罗斯认证机构,Customs Union Common Technical Regulation in Belarus

Registering a Declaration of Conformity . Phases

Submitting the application, Declaration of Conformity and attached documents.
Registering the application.
Concluding the agreement.
Reviewing the application and Declaration of Conformity, taking a decision to register the Declaration of Conformity.
Registering the Declaration of Conformity.
Making a record in the Customs Union Common Register or the National Conformity Assurance System Register.
NOTE: All documents submitted to the certification body shall bear the applicant's signature and company seal.

List of documents to be submitted when applying for registering a Declaration of Conformity to the requirements of Eurasian Economic Union technical regulations

Application for registering the Declaration of Conformity
application form, CU TR;
application specimen, CU TR (mass production);
application specimen, CU TR (batch, single product);
Issued Declaration of Conformity:
DoC specimen, CU TR (mass production);
DoC specimen, CU TR (batch, single product);
Documents proving the applicant's powers to issue a Declaration of Conformity:
State Registration Certificate evidencing registration in the Customs Union as a legal entity or, for individuals, as an individual entrepreneur;
agreement between the applicant (a legal entity or an individual registered as individual entrepreneur) and a foreign manufacturer on the performance of such functions of this foreign manufacturer as ensuring that supplied products comply with the requirements of Customs Union Technical Regulations and assuming responsibility for non-compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of Customs Union Technical Regulations (when applying for registering a Declaration of Conformity for mass-produced items, where applicable);
permit issued by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus to open a representative office of a foreign organization (where applicable);
shipment documents: the invoice, contract, bill of lading and others (when applying for registering a Declaration of Conformity for a product batch or single product);
Test report.
Sample of the EAC marking on (a) product(s) (photo, image).
Certificate for the quality management system or product safety management system proving the existence of product control during the production process (when applying for registering a Declaration of Conformity for mass-produced items).






邮箱: eac@cu-tr.org   gost-r@163.com   

skype: gostchina   


www.cu-tr.com   ankang.pneumoniaillegal.cn  www.gost.org.cn  


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