


Центр сертификации EAC Таможенного союза ?ООО ТЕСТ СЕРТ 

上海经合工业设备检测有限公司    俄语区域产品认证专家

021-36411223      eac@cu-tr.org   WeChat:18621862553
CU-TR 010:2011法规=TRCU 010/2011机械设备安全技术法规合格证书和符合性声明划分清单
来源: | 作者:pmt1ac5e9 | 发布时间 :2019-07-26 | 2739 次浏览: | 分享到:
Certificate of Conformity / Declaration of Conformity List

to technical regulations

Customs Union "On Securitymachines and equipment " TR CU 010/2011
(as amended by the decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission
dated 05.16.2016 N 37)

objects of technical regulation subject to
confirmation of compliance with technical requirements
Customs Union Regulations
and equipment "in the form of Certificate of Conformity

1. Household woodworking machines;
2. Snow and swamp vehicles, snowmobiles and trailers for them;
3. Garage equipment for motor vehicles and trailers;
4. Agricultural machines;
5. Means of small-scale mechanization of horticultural and forestry applications mechanized, including electric;
6. Machines for livestock, poultry and feed production;
7. Power tool, including electric;
8. Technological equipment for logging, log storage and timber rafting:
- gasoline saws;
- electric chain saws.
9. Deleted. - Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated 05.16.2016 N 37.
10. Equipment for overburden and cleaning works and fastening of mine workings:
- combine harvesters;
- mechanized complexes;
- mechanized supports for lavas;
- pneumatic tools.
11. Equipment for excavation of mine workings:
- Tunneling machines for coal and rock;
- metal lining for preparatory workings;
12. Equipment of stem lifts and mine transport:
- mine scraper conveyors;
- belt conveyors;
- Mine and mining winches.
13. Equipment for drilling holes and wells, equipment for charging and stemming blast holes:
- pneumatic perforators (drilling hammers);
- pneumatic hammers;
- machines for drilling wells in the mining industry;
- drill installation.
14. Equipment for ventilation and dust control:
- mine fans;
- means of dust collection and dust suppression;
- oxygen compressors.
15. Lifting equipment, cranes

objects of technical regulation subject to
confirmation of compliance with technical requirements
Customs Union Regulations
and equipment "in the form of Declaration of Conformity List

1. Turbines and gas turbines;
2. Machines;
3. Crushers;
4. Diesel generators;
5. Devices for lifting operations.
6. Conveyors;
7. Tali electric rope and chain;
8. Industrial floor trackless transport;
9. Chemical equipment, oil and gas processing;
10. Equipment for the processing of polymeric materials;
11. Pumping equipment (pumps, units and pumping units);
12. Cryogenic, compressor, refrigeration, autogenous, gas cleaning equipment:
- installation of air separation and rare gases;
- equipment for the preparation and purification of gases and liquids, equipment for heat and mass transfer of cryogenic systems and installations;
- compressors (air and gas driven);
- refrigeration units.
13. Equipment for gas processing of metals and metallization of products
14. Gas cleaning and dust removal equipment;
15. Pulp and paper equipment;
16. Papermaking equipment;
17. Oilfield equipment, geological exploration drilling;
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