


Центр сертификации EAC Таможенного союза ?ООО ТЕСТ СЕРТ 

上海经合工业设备检测有限公司    俄语区域产品认证专家

021-36411223      eac@cu-tr.org   WeChat:18621862553
GGPN认证- GosGorPromNadzor-乌克兰乌克兰安装使用许可证-Ukraine Permit of Use GGPN
来源: | 作者:pmt1ac5e9 | 发布时间 :2019-06-17 | 1382 次浏览: | 分享到:
GGPN认证, GosGorPromNadzor,乌克兰乌克兰安装使用许可证
Ukraine Permit of Use GGPN ?Ukraine Industrial Security:
Ukraine ?GGTN Permit (Ukraine GosGorPromNadzor): main definitions
The components of the information folder should allow the experts to check if the equipment has been designed in accordance with all operating safety measures: these are the plans, drawings, material certificates, component acceptance testing etc. Depending on the type of equipment, other documents may be requested.

The duration and receipt of the GGTN Permits:

Type of certificate
Time of receipt
Time of working out certification file
By exporter (standard procedure)
By us (accelerated procedure)
GGPN Permit
Valid for one entry : a single shipment of a product or a batch of products
4-6 months*
1-6 months
1 months
GGPN Permit
Valid for 3 years: for mass production exported for the first time
Valid for 5 years: for mass production at the moment of renewing GGPN Permit
4-6 months*
1-6 months
1 months
*- time frame is indicated from the date of complete technical file delivery  

Our solutions :

  • obtaining GGPN Permit;

  • Implementation of industry expertise;

  • organizing and conducting the audit of the industrial site;

  • preparation o ftechnical passports for all types of equipment (pressure<0.7bar; pressure equipment >0.7 bar, compressors, pumps, valves,piping, electrical equipment, etc.).

  • drafting of pre-filled models of passports;

  • verification of design notes;

  • supervision of welding procedures;

  • assistance in acceptance tests;

  • compliance program and test methods;

  • development of Conditions and operational safety requirements;

  • formatting of the information folder.

  • 俄罗斯EAC认证中心




    邮箱: eac@cu-tr.org   gost-r@163.com   

    skype: gostchina   


    www.cu-tr.com   ankang.pneumoniaillegal.cn  www.gost.org.cn  


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