Центр сертификации EAC Таможенного союза ?ООО ТЕСТ СЕРТ
上海经合工业设备检测有限公司 俄语区域产品认证专家
2.准备文件数据包。客户必须提供所有必要的信息所有技术文档,否则无法完成工作。在这种情况下:它表明哪些对象需要接受检查,并提供有关它们的所有必要信息;要进行检查,组织必须收到一组文件(在每种具体情况下,文件包可能会根据要检查的对象而有所不同)。这可能包括设计图纸,工程文档,各种指令,技术法规等;如果客户有测试报告,任何证书,计算书 - 他们也可能是必要的;如有必要,可提供设备样品。
4.工业安全专业知识文件签发- 审查结束。这是整个活动的主要阶段。首先,专家委员会和进行检查的专家总结了所有获得的数据,并作出结论草案。在该文件中,组织依赖于发布主要结论(合格或不合格)。客户收到上述项目,作为回应可以签发他的意见/结论。为此提供了14天(从客户收到草稿的那一刻起)。如果在审查之后全部合格,可以签发工业安全专业知识意见。那么在这种情况下,该结论有效的那些对象列在文件中。在文件中还可能包含某些设备操作的附加条件。如果在执行安全和保安检查后发现有违规行为并且专家就不符合现有要求的问题得出结论,那么客户也会收到指示的文件。
俄罗斯EAC认证中心 上海经合工业设备检测有限公司 电话:021-36411293 地址:中国上海浦东新区高科东路777号1号楼2017 邮箱: eac@cu-tr.org gost-r@163.com skype: gostchina 手机和微信WeChat:18621862553 www.cu-tr.com ankang.pneumoniaillegal.cn www.gost.org.cn
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Conclusion of industrial safety expertise
The conclusion of the examination of industrial safety
When conducting an industrial safety review (EAE, - Ed.), Expert organizations are guided by the Procedures and Regulations for conducting an industrial safety expertise by industry. For example, in petrochemistry there is a document entitled “The Procedure for Examining Industrial Safety in the Chemical, Petrochemical, and Oil and Gas Processing Industries”. But all these documents regulate the procedure for conducting an electronic safety expertise. As for the content and execution of conclusions, they all refer to “Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety‘ Rules for the examination of industrial safety ’”. Let's get acquainted with the basic requirements for the issuance of an EAE opinion. The first sheet (Fig.1, - Ed.) Of the conclusion is the title page, where the “title of the conclusion” is indicated - the wording of the title, which accurately indicates the content of the document. The wording may be, for example, such as: “Industrial safety expertise on the technical device”, “Industrial safety expertise of buildings and structures operated by OPO”, “Industrial safety expertise of project documentation for technical re-equipment”. Figure 1: Figure 1 The following is the introductory part. It contains the following data: the grounds for conducting an industrial safety expertise (the relevant provisions of the Federal Law of the Federal Law No. 116, the agreement between the expert organization and the safety expertise customer, - author's note); information about the expert organization (name, address, name of the director / head of the expert organization, territorial bodies of Rostechnadzor (RTN) require that the certification certificate number of the non-destructive testing laboratory (ND, - red.) be indicated in case of non-destructive testing, liability insurance policy , - auth.); information about experts (the number of the order or order for the appointment of experts, if there are several experts, the leading expert is appointed, the full name of the experts, indicating areas of certification, number of certificates, by whom and when issued, - author's note); license number of the expert organization for the right to conduct an EAB. The next item is a list of objects that are subject to the examination. Specify the name of the object, location, serial and registration numbers for unique identification. The next item indicates information about the customer (name of the organization, address, manager, contact information). Further purpose of the examination. In the general case, this is an assessment of the compliance of the object of examination with the requirements of regulatory documents on industrial safety. In particular, technical devices that have completed the safe operation period are the determination of the technical condition of the object of examination, assessment of the possibility, period and parameters of its further operation. Then information about the documents examined in the process of examination (design, engineering, repair, operational, results of previous surveys with an indication of the volume, that is, the number of pages, numbers and other indications) is indicated. The sixth point of the conclusion is a brief description and purpose of the object of examination. Most often this is a small excerpt from the passport of the object of examination. A passport is a document in which the technical characteristics, materials of manufacture, the mode of operation are written, the data on the repairs and inspections of the object are indicated. The seventh paragraph of the conclusion describes the results of the safety expertise. A generalized material is presented on what works were carried out, what was determined in the course of these works (Fig. 2, - Ed.). Figure 2: Figure 2 After this comes the final part. It contains reasonable conclusions about the compliance or non-compliance of the object of examination with industrial safety requirements, as well as requirements and recommendations for operation. The last (Fig. 3) are the applications: the program of industrial safety expertise, the list of regulatory and technical and methodological documentation used in the examination process, acts and test reports (in the case of an expert organization, - Ed.), Calculations, copies of documents (licenses , certificates, certificates, - ed.). Figure No. 3: Figure 2 In the protocols, acts must indicate information about the test object (numbers, place of installation, - author's note), date of the test, information about the devices used for the test. In the above example, in each act, the specialist who conducted the survey - the member of the expert group - assesses the state of the object by its part of the examination. The leading expert analyzes all the results obtained and concludes that the object of examination complies with or does not comply with the requirements of the PB. In case of detection of defects that can be eliminated within a certain period of time, a plan of measures is drawn up and agreed upon with the customer to eliminate these shortcomings. The expert must make sure that the specified measures are completed and the defects are eliminated, and only after this the examination process is completed. The opinion of the EAB is signed by the supervisor