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上海经合工业设备检测有限公司    俄语区域产品认证专家

021-36411223      eac@cu-tr.org   WeChat:18621862553
俄罗斯防爆认证-防爆电机EAC认证-俄罗斯防爆设备EAC认证-海关联盟CU-TR 012/2011
来源: | 作者:pmt1ac5e9 | 发布时间 :2018-10-25 | 2318 次浏览: | 分享到:
俄罗斯防爆认证也称为:CU-TR EX证书,ATEX证书,防爆合格证书,防爆证书,防爆设备合格证书等,是证明产品符合俄罗斯防爆安全要求的文件。证明产品符合俄罗斯防爆安全要求。是CU-TR认证体系中的一种特定于防爆产品的的强制性合格证书。

俄罗斯防爆认证也称为:CU-TR EX证书,ATEX证书,防爆合格证书,防爆证书,防爆设备合格证书等,是证明产品符合俄罗斯防爆安全要求的文件。证明产品符合俄罗斯防爆安全要求。是CU-TR认证体系中的一种特定于防爆产品的的强制性合格证书。

防爆灯具、防爆电器、防爆管件 、防爆防腐电器、粉尘防爆电器、不锈钢防爆电器。
俄罗斯防爆电器是指存在有爆炸危险性气体和蒸气的场所采用的一类电气设备。化工生产经常遇到各种有爆炸危险性的气体和蒸气,在有这些介质的地方,按照有关规范、标准和规定,正确选用合适的防爆电器,是保证安全生产、防止爆炸和火灾发生的重要措施。按类型分为隔爆型、增安型 、本质安全型、正压型、充油型、充砂型、无火花型、特殊型。主要品种有防爆转换开关及刀开关、防爆空气自动开关、工厂用防爆磁力起动器、防爆控制按钮、防爆操作柱、防爆行程开关、防爆插销、防爆接线箱、防爆接线盒、防爆管件及密封材料、防爆电磁铁及防爆电磁阀等。

生产可以按照国内防爆设备的要求,或欧盟CE-ATEX防爆设备的要求,既可以满足海关联盟CU-TR 012/2011爆炸性环境用电气设备的安全技术法规,不需要做任何的修改即可获得海关联盟防爆EAC认证。
GB 3836.1~15-2010 爆炸性环境用电气设备
GB 12476.1~10-2013 可燃性粉尘环境用电器设备


认证法规:TP TC 012/2011   要求资料
- user's manuals in Russian  俄文说明书
- drawings in Russian  俄文图纸

1、 所有的认证测试报告 (中国CNEX或IEX EX 或CE-ATEX证书 94/9/EC等)
-  整机,整机提供中国CNEX或IEX EX 或CE-ATEX证书 94/9/EC等,说明书,手册,技术护照,总装图,电路图,产品照片和铭牌照片)
-配件认证证书 (如果有的话,防爆配件中国CNEX或IEX EX 或CE-ATEX证书 94/9/EC,配件说明书或技术护照,总装图,电气线路图,产品照片和铭牌照片等)
2、 ISO9001证书—必须
3、 说明书/手册—俄文必须
4、 设备技术护照
5、 图纸,(安装方案, 图纸套,使用材料)。--俄文
6、 电气图纸—俄文
7、 包含技术解决方案和风险评估的描述注释
8、 填写申请表格
防爆产品EAC认证,法规TP TC 012/2011   我们优势:


Annex 1
to the Technical Regulation of
the Customs union ?On safety of
equipment intended for use in
explosive atmospheres?
(ТР ТС 012/2011)

Classification of parameters defining the explosion safety of equipment
I. Classification of hazardous areas
1.   Classification of hazardous areas is used for the purpose of selection of equipment according to its level of protection providing safety operation of such equipment in the relevant hazardous zone.
2.   Hazardous areas are classified according to frequency of the occurrence and duration of an explosive gas or dust atmosphere into the following zones:
explosive gas atmospheres - zones 0, 1 and 2;
explosive dust atmospheres - zones 20, 21 and 22.
II. Equipment grouping
According to the field of application electrical equipment is divided into the following groups:
1) Group I equipment - equipment intended for use in underground mines and surface installations of such mines susceptible to firedamp and (or) combustible dust. Depending on construction to group I equipment one of three equipment protection levels can be assigned;
2) Group II equipment - equipment intended for use in places with an explosive gas atmospheres other than underground mines and surface installations of such mines. Depending on construction to group II equipment one of three equipment protection levels can be assigned. Group II equipment is subdivided into the sub-groups IIA, IIB, IIC according to the category of the explosive mixture it is intended to be used in;
3) Group III equipment – equipment intended for use in places with explosive dust atmosphere other than underground mines and surface installations of such mines. Depending on construction to group II equipment one of three equipment protection levels can be assigned. Group III equipment is subdivided into the sub-groups IIIA, IIIB, IIIC according to the category of the explosive mixture it is intended to be used in;

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