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EAC豁免函-VNIIS豁免函-俄罗斯海关豁免函-VNIIS Rejection letter
来源: | 作者:pmt1ac5e9 | 发布时间 :2018-10-10 | 937 次浏览: | 分享到:
Rejection letter In the certification system, a refusal letter means an official conclusion of an information and legal nature. A document intended for participants in economic market activities in the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.
Rejection letter
In the certification system, a refusal letter means an official conclusion of an information and legal nature. A document intended for participants in economic market activities in the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.
According to its content, the document explains in writing whether the products belong to the objects of mandatory declaration and certification.

Receiving a letter of refusal finds massive practical application in cases where it is not possible to specifically classify a particular object. For example, when products according to the HS CODE must be certified, but by their intended purpose, the description is not. In such a situation, it is recommended to receive from the authorized body an official confirmation of the absence of the need for conformity assessment.

Official conclusion for customs or for trade
In the certification system, the next type of permitting documentation is conditionally divided into the following categories: “for trade” or “for customs”.

In the first case, the document directly falls under the jurisdiction of Rosstandart. Issued voluntarily, certified in accordance with the rules, the Unified list of Technical Regulation. The corresponding letter may be requested by distributors of goods, supervisory authorities, buyers. According to the regulations on the protection of consumer rights, if necessary, are empowered with the full right to require buyers to confirm the quality of the product from the distributor. As a rule, it is a declaration, a certificate or, in the absence thereof, a refusal letter.

In the second, it is presented to representatives of the customs authorities when importing into the territory of the Russian Federation of a product, product, substance, or other object. Such a conclusion contains information on the document of title, according to which products are imported into the country indicating the HS CODE.

In spite of the fact that the commodity nomenclature of the HP FEA is equal to the All-Russian Classifier, it is often recognized for determining the conformity assessment of the objects of the objects. In the event of such situations, refusal letters are required, even with a voluntary certificate.

Traditionally, the destination for customs, this document was located directly in the jurisdiction of VNIIS and Ministry of Industry and Trade. Over time, the law has given the right to justify the absence of mandatory requirements for goods to exporters themselves. Today, depending on coordination with the customs, refusal letters are considered valid as well as by VNIIS, KCCM and for VNIIMASH vehicles.
The optimized procedure of official conclusions of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation regarding the production of compliance confirmation by an obligatory procedure extends its action exclusively within the Customs Union.

At the same time, the VNIIS explanations are used regarding the importation of products into the territory of our country in cases where a participant in foreign economic activity confirms in accordance with the legislation of Russia — the national regime.
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