Центр сертификации EAC Таможенного союза ?ООО ТЕСТ СЕРТ
上海经合工业设备检测有限公司 俄语区域产品认证专家
GOST认证-俄罗斯自愿性GOST认证-Russian GOST voluntary certification
俄罗斯认证,俄罗斯产品认证,Russian Product Certification obtaining import quarantine permits - Caviar clearance
Certification is recognized as a procedure by which our center gives a written guarantee in writing that a service, a product, a process comply with fully specified requirements.【详细】
According to the 874 Decision (November 20, 2012), the Commission of the Customs Union introduces a New Technical Regulation on the safety of grain, which will acquire legal force from July 1. This standard will be determined by standards, detailed assessment requirements, and the procedure for issuing a certificate for grain products.【详细】
In connection with the systematic transition of the Russian certification system to a new harmonization scheme with international standards, ETS technical regulations are becoming most relevant. A new system of “technical regulations certification” is being systematically introduced and a limitation on the validity periods of previously issued declarations and certificates in accordance with GOST R. is being introduced.【详细】
俄罗斯GOST技术法规证书-俄罗斯TR认证-Technical Regulations Certificate
EAC豁免函-VNIIS豁免函-俄罗斯海关豁免函-VNIIS Rejection letter
Rejection letter In the certification system, a refusal letter means an official conclusion of an information and legal nature. A document intended for participants in economic market activities in the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.【详细】
TR CU Certification, EAC Mark, TR Certification
TR CU Certification, EAC Mark, TR Certification【详细】
俄罗斯防爆认证(CU-TR 012/2011,标志是EAC-EX)是强制性文件之一,它赋予了与某些类型的工业设备和设备一起工作的权利,其名称通常是添加防爆字母Ex。在石油、化工、能源等领域,对于在易燃易爆环境中作业的产品设备,以及产品本身具有易燃易爆性质的,这类产品在进入俄罗斯市场销售时会需要做俄罗斯防爆EAC认证。【详细】